Sunday 9 June 20:30

Concert evening: Duo Ariarathes


Beginning: 20:30

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Longomoso, Commandery
Kuratorium Kommende Lengmoos,
+39 377 3451238,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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Music for Cello and Piano Through the Centuries in the Lengmoos Commandery at 8.30 p.m.
Entrance € 15, RittenCard € 12, student € 5.

In this highly varied concert program, the young duo Ariarathes not only juxtaposes main works of their genre but also presents paradigmatic works by three of the most famous composers in music history: Bach, Beethoven & Rachmaninoff. While each of these masters was at the height of their creative powers when composing the works of this concert evening, it is evident that each composer pursued very different goals: elite secular entertainment music with Bach, profound passion and emotional depth with Rachmaninoff, and complex analytical play with the fundamentals of music with Beethoven. The result: a grand arc through three centuries of music history full of stylistic genius and musical surprises.

Nika Afazel - Piano,
Jakob Mitterer - Cello

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  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
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