E-Bike tour to the Rifugio Firenze


Santa Cristina, meeting point: tourist office
Val Gardena Active,
+39 0471 777800,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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The tour starts in S. Cristina and leads first to Vallunga. Following the path below the ruins of the Wolkenstein Castle, you reach the Juac Hut at 2.120 m. Cycling along an enchanting little lake and several clearings, you finally get to the highest point of the tour – the Rifugio Firenze. From here you ride down on a forest road to the Church of S. Giacomo. Finally, you return to S. Cristina.

Price: 45€ | free of charge for Val Gardena Active Partner
Number of participants: min. 2
Distance: 24 km
Difficulty level: ●●●●○
Altitude difference in ascent: 800 m
Altitude difference in descent: 800 m
Use of the lift: no
Period: June - Oktober
Dogs allowed: no
Stroller: no
Clothing and equipment: bike, helmet (obligatory), windbreaker, drink, sunscreen

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