
Boutique Hotels

Boutique Hotel offers - South Tyrol

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28 Offers (shown 25 - 28)

  1. Hotel Wieser: Advent Special 3=4

    Advent Special 3=4

    4 nights for the price of 3

    from  30/11/25  to  21/12/25

    4 nights from 329 € per person

  2. SomVita Suites: SomVita time out 4=3

    SomVita time out 4=3

    Looking for SomVibes in a relaxed atmosphere? Enjoy our SomVita Suites and really let yourself relax! Without the hustle and bustle. Without restrictions. Without specifications.

    from  09/12/25  to  23/12/25

    4 nights from 480 € per person

  3. SomVita Suites: SomVita time out 7=6

    SomVita time out 7=6

    Looking for SomVibes in a relaxed atmosphere? Enjoy our SomVita Suites and really let yourself relax! Without the hustle and bustle. Without restrictions. Without specifications.

    from  09/12/25  to  23/12/25

    7 nights from 950 € per person

  4. Boutique Hotel Zum Rosenbaum: New Year's Eve 7=6

    New Year's Eve 7=6

    Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new in the right way! Pop the cork with us for a relaxing start to the new year.

    from  27/12/25  to  04/01/26

    8 nights from 1.170 € per person