Sheep drive in Vernago - Val Senales
phone +39 0473 679148,
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Vernago al Lago Hotels Vernago al LagoDescription
Up to 2,200 sheep and 300 goats set off from the Niedertal Alm Mountain hut in Vent valley (A) in the early morning, moving upwards through high-Alpine terrain (not dangerous) to Giogo Basso/Niederjoch (3,019 m) or the Refuge Similaun, the first group in the herd arriving at about 9:00 a.m.
The most dangerous part of the return journey begins here, particularly if there is snow on the ground or the trail or parts of it are icy. Below the hut, the procession winds downhill on quite a narrow trail through steep and rocky terrain (down to about 2,600 m).
The ground then becomes more level and less dangerous. After a short respite in the centre of Tisental valley, the herd continues down the mountain towards Vernago/Vernagt, arriving just before 2:00 p.m. From far away (1/2 hour before it arrives) you can already see the never-ending line of sheep.
Accommodation and refreshments available at the Mountain hut Martin Busch and the Refuge Similaun.
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