vinschger reitverein pferdestall
vinschger reitverein pferdestall

Riding stables in the Val Venosta

Some riding stables are also located inmidst the wonderful landscape of the Val Venosta valley

  • Val Venosta riding and driving club (see pic)
    vaulting, riding lessons, therapeutic riding
    Via della Fontana road no. 9, Lasa
    phone: +39 3471993 338

  • Rona Ranch
    Ganda no. 39, Martello
    phone: +39 0473 744528

  • Vill riding stable
    Via Mulini road no. 13, Silandro
    phone: +39 0473 730314

  • Zauberwaldponys - children's riding stable
    Via Castel Silandro road no. 32, Silandro
    phone: +39 327 2993 276

  • Ansteingut riding stable
    Spondigna no. 1, Sluderno
    phone: +39 333 5813 981

  • Siglgut riding stable
    Via delle Fontane road no. 20, Tarres/Laces
    phone: +39 347 6818 014

  • Tuberis riding stable
    Via San Giovanni road no. 37, Tubre
    phone: +39 0473 832168

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