tarsch Karpophorus Kirche
tarsch Karpophorus Kirche


The Tarres Mountain Pasture stretches above the eponymous village in the Val Venosta and also offers something for archers

Tarres along the edge of the forest of the Monte Tramontana is a characteristic Val Venosta village with valuable sights such as the Parish Church of St. Michael, the Romanesque St. Carpophorus Church and the St. Medardus Church. This chapel is simply called "Sommadorn" and stands on an old spring sanctuary. It was highly valued as one of the healing springs in South Tyrol, in this case against fever, and ran underground from the altar through the nave of the church until it was damaged and dried up during the tunnel construction for Lake Gioveretto.

Above Tarres, a few minutes away by car, lies the valley station of the Malga Tarres Chairlift. The alpine pasture is the starting point for hikes that show you natural places like the Tarres Jochwaal, which once connected the Val d'Ultimo with the Val Venosta, and the surrounding heights in all their beauty. Experienced alpinists can also climb Mt. Orecchia di Lepre starting from the alpine pasture, a glaciated giant in the Stelvio National Park at the transition to the Ultimo Valley.

But the adventure doesn't only start at the Tarres Mountain Hut, but already at the valley station. The Schlegl-Almrausch 3D Archery Course starts there consisting of two sections: one at the valley station, the other at the mountain station. They can also be done separately. And in winter? Horse riding, ice skating, snowshoe hiking and tobogganing are on the programme: Tarres (Tarsch) has its own floodlit sledge run down to the valley station of the Malga Tarres Chairlift.

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