Vinschgau Martelltal Ennethal
Vinschgau Martelltal Ennethal


The charming little village of Montesole - literally the Sunny Mountain - is located in the heart of the Val Martello valley

Silandro, Parcines, Martello - you hear the German name of Montesole, Sonnenberg, more often in the western part of South Tyrol. In the Val Martello valley and the municipality of Martello, an entire, naturally sunny slope with its buildings on the steep meadows bears this name. The old farms here are called Gleck and Gruben, Staudahof and Marzohn. It seems that on the side of the valley where the main village of Meiern is located, all paths that don't lead into the village lead up to the Montesole. It can also be experienced on foot in a beautiful circular walk.

The path takes you along the sunny slope, partly on mountain roads, partly across steep meadows, first to the Premstl inn and then on to the junction with the Martello High Route. Now the path leads rather flatly to the Eberhöfer Stream with its mill. On the last section, the hike follows a narrow road to the St. Martin's Chapel and the Steinwand Farm, which invites you to have a snack at more than 1,400 m a.s.l. The trails no. 7 and 19 bring you back to the village again.

This hike is not too long (3 hours), but you can double it with the Martello Montesole Round Tour, which starts at the culturamartell National Park House and leads to the above-mentioned Steinwand Farm, where the before mentioned shorter hike ends. The destination of the long hike is the more than 2,000 m high Passo della Croce and then brings you back to the visitor centre via the Covelano Mountain Hut. Whether long or short - the sun accompanies you in summer, autumn and winter, when winter hikers are on their way in the snow between the farms in Montesole.

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