Leuchtenburg Aussicht Laimburg Leifers Pfatten
Leuchtenburg Aussicht Laimburg Leifers Pfatten


The Safety Park, the locality of Campi al Lago at Lake Caldaro and Varco Castle are all part of Vadena in the south of Bolzano

The area of Vadena is larger than one would expect: The South Tyrolean Safety Park road safety centre in Ischia Frizzi on the outskirts of Bolzano is just as much a part of it as the houses in Campi al Lago on the eastern shore of Lake Caldaro. The Monte di Mezzo separates the main village of Vadena from Lake Caldaro and the Monticolo Lakes - on the Vadena Trail you can climb over the mountain ridge and get to the other side, especially beautiful in summer with a jump into the water. The hiking areas in the Bassa Atesina, including Aldino-Redagno and Castelfeder, can also be reached in a short time.

Framed by the lush green of apple trees and woods, the other small districts stretch out beneath the cliffs of Vadena. It is an area flanked by a road and a narrow ditch offering tranquillity: Birti with its lonely Romanesque bell tower, Caneve, Carnel, Masetta, Gmund, Mover, Piccolongo and Stadio-Castelvarco, where the Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture with its school is located. There is the famous Rock Cellar, where official receptions were held by the provincial government for associations such as music bands and fire brigades.

You can discover the area on foot or by bike: The Bassa Atesina Cycle Path starts in Bolzano and leads over the Adige Bridge to Ischia Frizzi and through Vadena towards south. Other leisure activities are easily found: The Safety Park, with its 1 km go-kart track, supermoto and pit bike track and the motocross track, is a popular place for a very special afternoon. Driver safety trainings are held here. In the neighbouring Bolzano, museums, theatres, cinemas and shopping possibilities await you - the bus takes you to the provincial capital via Laives or Bronzolo.

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