Weissenbach Dorf mit Bergen
Weissenbach Dorf mit Bergen

Rio Bianco Aurina

The idyllic alpine village of Rio Bianco is the ideal holiday destination if you are looking for peace and relaxation in the mountains

Rio Bianco (Weissenbach) - not to be confused with the village of Riobianco in the Sarentino Valley - is actually an entire valley that branches off from the Valle Aurina. It is not long - just five km - and a mountain stream flows through it. With its milky white colour, which comes from the glaciers, it gave the village its name (white stream). Rio Bianco has been known as a place of pilgrimage for a long time, but the access via the narrow steep mountain road kept the crowds away.

Today the road is well developed and the little Church of St. James from the 15th century is still a popular destination for pilgrims. Fortunately, mass tourism is still a foreign word here, which makes Rio Bianco a wonderful summer resort and haven of peace in the middle of the mountains. Especially at the time of the alpine rose blossom at the beginning of summer, the hiking trails are fascinating, because nowhere the alpine pastures are as close as in Rio Bianco: A narrow belt of forest separates the village from the surrounding alpine huts. They are often co-managed alongside farming at home - the delicious products and dishes ensure a sideline income.

In addition, there are themed trails such as the Kneipp Path, the Reflection Trail and the Herb Trail. In winter, ski tourers and ice climbers meet in Rio Bianco, also cross-country skiers on the circular track, and there are three toboggan runs in the valley. Two of them are the Tristenbach route near the Wurmtaler Huts - including the Marxegger, Innerhofer and Pircher Huts - and the Rio Bianco sledge route: It starts at the mountain station of the nearby Speikboden Skiing Area.

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