weinlehrpfad kurtatsch weinstrasse grosse traube
weinlehrpfad kurtatsch weinstrasse grosse traube

Cortaccia Wine Trail

In Cortaccia on the Wine Road, you can follow the wine-growing year at scent and information stations along historic field paths

The well-known Wine Trail in Cortaccia (Weinlehrpfad Kurtatsch) leads for a total of 4 km through the vineyards of the surrounding area, and provides information at numerous stations about how the vines grow, what they need, and from what they need to be protected in order to subsequently fulfil all the quality criteria for the high-quality South Tyrolean wine. You can also see the individual forms of cultivation, such as the vine arbour, the traditional form with wooden stakes and a canopy of leaves. In addition, there are the newer trellis systems.

The Wine Trail starts at the main square in Cortaccia and is well signposted: Simply follow the "Saltner Pratze", a large wooden hand. It leads you to a man-high grape that marks the entrance to the theme trail. Then you walk through the enclosed vineyard landscape, past individual scent and information stations. In addition to information about the vines, there are also amphorae where the wine can be "sniffed out": You can smell strawberries, almonds and roses. After the hike towards Magrè, the trail leads back to the centre of Cortaccia. Walking time: approx. 1 hour.

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