herbst weinberge suedlich von marling
herbst weinberge suedlich von marling

Marlengo WineCulturePath

Life-size objects from viticulture and steles tell about the work in the vineyard in Marlengo

A few years ago, a 4 km long themed trail on viniculture was created in Marlengo. The history of it here is long: There are records of the wine taxes in Marlengo from the 12th century, and there is an irrigation channel from Tel to the village, built in 1756 by the Carthusian monks from the Val Senales valley for their wine farm in Marlengo.

Various steles serve as information boards, and in between there is always a larger-than-life artwork to admire. Depicted are objects from viticulture whose meaning and purpose are not so easily recognisable for laypeople. The starting point is the church square in Marlengo.

From there, the Marlengo WineCulturePath - an easy circular hike - leads to the St. Felix Path and past the numerous wine farms of the hamlet of Mitterterz, always following the steles that tell about the history of the vines and wine culture in the Merano region. Via the Bruggerweg road, the Marlengo WineCulturePath finally leads you to the Merano Winery - which is worth a stop - and back to the starting point. Walking time: approx. 1.5 hours.

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