laimburg pfatten versuchszentrum
laimburg pfatten versuchszentrum


Varco Castle is enthroned above the fruit and wine school on the Novale al Varco Saddle, the transition between Vadena and Caldaro

The former Stadelhof area, the fruit and wine growing school, the Laimburg Research Centre below the rocks and above it Varco Castle form together the district of Stadio-Castelvarco in Vadena. At the height of Varco Castle, the road descends to Campi al Lago at Lake Caldaro, on the other side of the mountain. Stadio-Castelvarco, together with the houses of Piccolongo (Piglon), is the southernmost part of the municipality before the road takes you further to Ora and Egna.

The Laimburg Provincial Winery has been located here since 1975. It is part of the Laimburg Research Centre and processes its own grapes from all of South Tyrol's wine-growing zones in order to know the diversity of soils and sites - after all, between 200 and 750 m a.s.l. In the attached Rock Cellar, the wine is stored at a naturally constant room temperature of 14 degrees C. The cellar also has a large hall, all together blasted from the porphyry rocks of the Monte di Mezzo. The Provincial College for Fruit Growing, Viticulture and Horticulture completes the ensemble.

If you follow the road upwards immediately after the roundabout at the research centre, Varco Castle is enthroned on the hill to the left. Only ruins have remained of the former hilltop castle, which fell into decay already centuries ago. However, these have been secured and provided with information boards, so that today the site is a nice place to stop for a break during a hike or bike tour. A magnificent panoramic view on the South Tyrolean Bassa Atesina area is included.

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