Sexten Fischleintal
Sexten Fischleintal

Val Fiscalina

From the Fiscalina Valley and the Val Sasso Vecchio, the Nemes Alp and the Locatelli-Innerkofler Hut can be reached

Notice: From June 9 to October 13, 2024, the Val Fiscalina is accessible only by shuttle bus no. 440, on foot, by bicycle or by own car (before 9 am and after 4 pm). Reservation not needed for the shuttle bus, the Guest Pass is not valid. For visitors coming from outside: It is recommended to take the bus no. 446 from Dobbiaco - San Candido, possibility to change to the shuttle service at the valley station of the Monte Elmo Cable Car in Sesto.

Surrounded by the mighty rock faces in the Three Peaks Nature Park lies a unique valley. It is the Fiscalina Valley, only 4.5 km long, but all the more popular with hikers, winter sports enthusiasts and anyone who wants to experience the beauty of the Dolomites in all their glory. It is called Val Fiscalina in Italian, and Fischleintal in German. However, on a journey of discovery through the valley you will find several names: The Val Fiscalina branches off at Moso di Sesto, and then winds its way to the Fondovalle Mountain Hut - the rear end is called Upper Val Fiscalina or Bacherntal.

To the west is a side valley, the Val Sasso Vecchio (Altensteintal), which branches off from it and above which rise the striking rock towers of Cima Una and co. Together they form the largest stone sundial in the world - few places have clock hands in the shape of entire mountains! You can also see Mt. Cima dei Tre Scarperi, the highest point in the municipality of Sesto. If you follow the stream into the valley, it will lead you to the waterfall, which is fed by the water of the Laghi dei Piani lakes below the Antonio Locatelli - Sepp Innerkofler Mountain Hut. At this waterfall, the Val Sasso Vecchio valley ends and merges into the high plateau around the Three Peaks of Lavaredo.

Larches, stone pines and mountain pines grow between the alpine meadows of these unique places. In the cold months, they become the destination of winter hikers and Nordic skiers, who can be seen on the cross-country ski tracks Lärchenwiese and Klammbach. In addition, there is the Fiscalina Valley circular cross-country ski track, which leads all the way to the Fondovalle Hut. A very special tip from us is a carriage ride, which in winter is offered as a horse-drawn sleigh ride.

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