
3 Zinnen Ski-Marathon

The year for athletes starts in South Tyrol with one of the oldest and the most traditional cross-country ski events for everyone

The 3 Zinnen Ski-Marathon has been one of the big cross-country ski races since almost five decades and inaugurates the winter sports year in South Tyrol. Until recently, it was known as Val Pusteria cross-country skiing marathon, now it is called 3 Zinnen Ski-Marathon and is part of the Ski Classics Pro Tour. It takes place at the beginning of January and leads the athletes to the most beautiful spots of the Upper Val Pusteria: It is the area, where the mighty 3 Zinnen Dolomites Ski Resort opens its ski slopes in winter. There are four contests in three days.

The first day, the 3 Zinnen Mini Ski-Marathon takes place - the categories are called mouse, rabbit, goat, horse and bear (up to 16 years of age). It is followed by the three races for adults. The 62 km Classic starts in the Val Fiscalina and leads to the Nordic Arena in Dobbiaco, to the Three Peaks View and finally to Villabassa. The 30 km Classic takes the athletes from the Nordic Arena in Dobbiaco to Lake Landro, and then to Dobbiaco and Villabassa.

The third race is the Prato Piazza Mountain Challenge, where they overcome a 7 km long ascent with an average 10% gradient up to the Prato Piazza in the Fanes-Senes-Braies Nature Park.

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