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wein glas rot person trinken

Bolzano Wine Tasting

The traditional Bolzano Wine Tasting in March or April is a firmly established venue on the enogastronomical event calendar

The first edition of a wine tasting in the town of Bolzano dates back to March 1896, when at the Torgglhaus tavern more than 100 wines were tasted and compared. That original Spring Wine Market has become famous as Bolzano Wine Tasting over time. The enogastronomical event takes place every year in spring, presenting 40 of the most renowned wineries of South Tyrol.

Since almost a century, the multi-day event, now organised by the "Bolzano Wine Tasting" working group, has been housed in the venerable walls of Mareccio Castle in Bolzano Centro. This building dating back to the 12th century is located along the Lungotalvera Promenade near the Talvera Meadows, a recreation area, and not far from the historic town with the Bolzano Arcades. At the Bolzano Wine Tasting or Bozner Weinkost, you can taste more than 200 selected white, rosé, red and sparkling wines from the cultivated areas between the Oltradige area around Appiano and the Valle Isarco and Valle dell'Adige areas, or try a "vertical tasting" of Sauvignon wines.

The entertainment programme, however, includes live music and a wide culinary offer. The tickets and tasting vouchers are available directly at the cashdesk of the castle.

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  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
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