
Merano Flower Festival

The well-known MFF, the Merano Flower Festival, transforms the spa town into a sea of flowers for one weekend at the end of April

The old town of Merano offers all nature lovers and garden enthusiasts an exclusive flower and ornamental plant exhibition every year at the end of April. No place would be more fitting for this than the historic Cure Promenade with the beautiful Kurhaus, along which guests have been strolling for centuries. But that's not all: Impressive plant figures and installations adorn the promenade, rare plants are offered for sale, and the theme of biodiversity is illuminated.

The popular festival, which was launched in 2019, is organised by the Merano Tourist Board. Part of it are also the concerts at the Flower Bistro on the Kurhaus terrace and the possibility to have breakfast in one of the pavilions of the Merano Flower Festival. Afterwards, you may enjoy stunning lookouts and inspiring places during the Biodivercity Tour, an audio guide with 17 stations, or explore Merano's Promenades and the Sissi Path.

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