Gadersound Open Air

Two days full of reggae, ska, and folk music in an evocative location in the green of Alta Badia

Every summer in July, the increasingly popular Gadersound Festival returns, a two-day live music event with reggae, ska, and folk in Pederoa, in the municipality of La Valle in the Alta Badia. Set up in the green of Plans Dl Galber, between the Gadera River and the woods, the Gadersound stage welcomes numerous bands, mainly local and national, to fill the two days of the event with Jamaican and other sounds and rhythms.

In the festival area, which is equipped with a catering area with vegetarian and vegan options, it is also possible to stay overnight in tents to immerse yourself in the most authentic atmosphere of a summer open-air gathering. The festival is organised by Team Gadersound.

It is a group of more than a hundred young local volunteers also known as the Adüm Group. Not surprisingly: Adüm, which means "together" in Ladin, perfectly captures the spirit of the event, a big party in the name of music, inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

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