
Val Casies cross-country ski race

One of the most tradition-rich cross-country ski races has been taking place in the Val Casies every year in February since 1984

The first edition the Val Casies cross-country ski race, known as GsieserTal Lauf in German resp. Gran Fondo Val Casies in Italian, took place in 1984 - now it represents the secondmost important skiing marathon in Italy. Since back then, it has been a fixed event every 3rd weekend in February and - except in 2021 - it has never been cancelled. Thousands of cross-country skiers from 35 nations meet in the beautiful Val Casies for the 30 km or 42 km long race. On Saturday the athletes compete in the classic style and the MINI Val Casies takes place, the 3 or 5 km long circuit for the young participants. On Sunday it's time for the skating style.

The cross-country ski slopes of the valley are part of Dolomiti Nordicski, the largest cross-country ski carousel in Europe. The right ingredients for the success are - besides the sporty aspect - the outstanding cuisine, the Just for Fun race, live music and the entertainment programme.

The best chefs of the valley cater to the single stations for the athletes and to the party tent in San Martino in Casies. The highlight of the gourmet menue is the 250 metres long apple strudel. Many volunteers ensure every year again, that this race turns into an unforgettable festival.

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