Festival Bozen
Festival Bozen

Bolzano Festival Bozen

In summer between the end of July and early September, the provincial capital shows music lovers the magic of classical music

In addition to the Bolzano Film Festival Bozen, the provincial capital also offers a Bolzano Music Festival Bozen: It takes place every year in summer and offers one highlight after another over a period of weeks. The courtyards of historic town houses and other locations such as the Bolzano Fair become outdoor and indoor stages that exude international flair on summer evenings.

Bolzano makes music! The top-class Bolzano Summer of Culture, which also includes the dance festival Bolzano Danza - Tanz Bozen, invites to concerts of the two Bolzano resident orchestras European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) and Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra (GMJO) at the Bolzano Festival Bozen - Academy Competition Festival, presents the winner of the Busoni International Piano Competition, and organises the Festival of Early Music, Antiqua.

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  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Bed & breakfast

    Naturidylle Geyrerhof

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