Baeuerliche Genussmeile
Baeuerliche Genussmeile

Lana in Bloom

“Lana in Bloom”, formerly known as Lana Blossom Festival, is a true feast for the senses with a gourmet mile and a golf tournament

During the entire month of April, spring is celebrated extensively in Lana, the Gateway to the South. The theme weeks "Lana in Bloom" or "Lana Blüht" focus on flowers and wild herbs, to which cooking courses and hikes are dedicated. There are decoration courses, creative workshops, themed events and lots of flowers to herald the beautiful season. All this is framed by the apple blossom in the Merano region, which usually starts in the first half of April.

The highlight of the event is the "Peasant Gourmet Mile", where 50 farm stands populate the pedestrian zone Am Gries. There, am Gries, pastel-coloured watering cans made from zinc - the symbol of "Lana in Bloom" - embellish the trees.

Other highlights are the Apple Blossom Golf Tournament at the Lana Golf Club and the Blossom Farm Festival, where you get to know farms and residences and may savour typical products. During these weeks, the restaurants offer the "Wild herbs in the kitchen" gourmet weeks, serving reinterpretations of traditional delicacies using seasonal wild herbs and fresh local ingredients.

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