Ritten Oberinn Herbst
Ritten Oberinn Herbst

Auna di Sopra

Auna di Sopra provides a great panoramic view on the valley basin of Bolzano, the mountain village of Colle and Mt. Corno del Renon

Auna di Sopra is one of the numerous districts of Renon. In former times it was mentioned as "Malgrei St. Leonhard", that's to say "district of St. Leonard". The origins of the term Auna di Sopra - Oberinn, in German - is probably connected with the term "Inn", which means "path". In the Middle Ages, when one of the most important pilgrimage routes crossed the Renon, the "upper path", how Auna di Sopra could be literally translated, led from Longomoso towards west to Vanga Castle.

Today, in addition to Auna di Sopra, there is also Auna di Sotto, both popular holiday destinations on the sunny Renon. To the right and left of the road are the houses with the primary school and the Church of St. Leonard. It was built around 1200 and originally known as St. Leonard in the Woods. The tower apparently dates back to that time and has Romanesque style elements. A Leonard Chain stretches around the church wall, which makes it a chain church: The iron votive offerings used to be made into chains and stretched around the churches, but in popular belief they were also supposed to ward off demons. That is why St. Leonard of Limoges is venerated as the patron saint of the chained and for farmers' concerns such as cattle and weather.

The oldest farm in the village is Mair in der Egg, a gift from Otto III, Duke of Carinthia, to his wife Euphemia of Silesia-Liegnitz. In the Middle Ages, the public court square was located in front of the farm. Today, many families and pleasure holidaymakers can be found in Auna di Sopra: The outdoor activities range from archery to a hike on the Schelmsteig path, a horseback ride or llama trekking at the Kaserhof farm. The llama tours are even organised over several days in high summer and lead through South Tyrol's mountains, with an overnight stay in a hut.

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Suggested accommodation: Auna di Sopra

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