tabland bei naturns
tabland bei naturns

Tablà di Naturno

The “Hinzl” Theme Trail, a family hike, tells stories, legends and historical facts about Tablà and its surroundings

Two villages called Tablà (Tabland) are close to each other: One is a district of Naturno, the other of Parcines. Both are located in the Merano region. Tablà near Naturno was once independent with the hamlet of Neunhöfe (literally: Nine Farms), although the village is quite small. Today, together with Cirlano, Stava and Naturno village, it forms the municipality of Naturno. Here, on a fertile alluvial cone at the foot of the Monte Tramontana, apples thrive particularly well.

The Church of St. Nicholas, which is made up of a wide variety of stylistic elements, is enthroned on the village square. The once Romanesque building was converted into a Gothic structure in 1493 and later decorated with Baroque barrel vaults and flat-arched windows. The late Gothic winged altar inside was probably designed by the well-known artist Hans Schnatterpeck. In 1899, a fire destroyed most of the village and parts of the church, Tablà was rebuilt again afterwards.

The primary school is also located at the village square, where the family walk along the "Hinzl" Theme Trail starts. Hinzl, a little man, is said to have been up to his mischief here, and it is he who accompanies young and old on the 1.5-hour hike today. In addition to sitting areas, there are beautiful viewpoints and 15 stations. An equally pleasant tour, only a little longer, runs through the meadows and forests of the lower Monte Tramontana: the circular hike on the Montefontana.

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