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Nuova Curon is the name of a summer resort with two ski areas above Lake Resia: Vecchia Curon (Old Curon) is sunken in it

There, where the Vallunga branches off from the Val Venosta towards the mighty glaciers at the end of the valley, South Tyrol's largest lake stretches. It originated from the old Mittersee, which was expanded in 1950 by the construction of a dam to supply the power station near Glorenza with water. The old centre of Curon was flooded as a result, and the inhabitants had to leave or settle further up, where today's Nuova Curon (Neu-Graun, New Curon) is located. Even more than 70 years later, the tower, which still rises out of the water, is a witness to this defining occurrence.

On the eastern shore stretches the village of Curon with the post office, the pharmacy, its cafés and shops. It is a short walk to the lake, passing a playground and the St. Anna Chapel. Places of interest include the source of the Adige River in the forest above the village and the Upper Val Venosta Valley Museum, which is dedicated to the sunken village and displays historical photos. On the other side of the lake, the lifts start into the Belpiano-Malga San Valentino Skiing Area and the hikes up the mountains of the Upper Val Venosta, which offer an unforgettable view on the valley with Lake Resia and the nearby Lake San Valentino alla Muta as a reward.

On the lake itself, there is action in the form of sailing and kitesurfing - Curon is considered the Mecca of this discipline in the Alpine region, where a stunt kite takes over the function of the sail. Above the village, paragliders take off. Those who just want to give it a try can sign up for a tandem flight. With its own indoor swimming pool and the Val Venosta Cycle Path, part of the Via Claudia Augusta, which passes by here, Curon becomes an attractive and varied holiday destination.

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Suggested accommodation: Curon

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