
Monte Penegal

Mt. Penegal (1,737 m a.s.l.) is is one of the highest peaks of the Mendola Ridge and of the Nonsberg Group in general

Those who look at Mt. Penegal from the valley will immediately recognise the mountain due to its transmitting masts on the top. The peak is divided between the municipal areas of Ruffrè-Mendola, Sarnonico, Appiano and Caldaro on the Wine Road. Once reached the Mendola Pass, you can either scale the Penegal or travel numerous sharp turns along the 4 km long narrow road by car.

The hike starts at the valley station of the Mendola Funicular in Caldaro. The funicular takes you up to the Mendola Pass, and from there the hike to Mt. Penegal takes about 3 hours by overcoming 385 m of altitude difference. The panoramic view at the highest point is great and therefore also very popular. The Brenta Group in the south west, the Ortles Alps with the mighty "King Ortles", almost 4,000 m high, in the west and the Dolomites in the east will impress you. The view over the wide Valle dell'Adige valley on its foot conveys the feeling of being above all.

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