neue rittner seilbahn kinderzeichnungen
neue rittner seilbahn kinderzeichnungen

Bolzano Kinderfestival

Every year in early September, in Bolzano there is the very popular Kids Festival that provides fun and entertainment

Hilarity and entertainment, that's what the Kids Festival in the capital of the province promises. Jugglers, clowns, musicians, actors, street artists and puppet artists, every year again make both kids' and adults' hearts leap for joy on the occasion of the festival. It is held in the garden of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation and along the Talvera Promenade in Bolzano Centro.

Also activities such as pony rides, carousel rides and train rides make part of the offer. Moreover there is an attractive stage programme that also makes you participate. In general, the Bolzano Kinderfestival is an adventure for all the family that you should not miss. Futhermore it offers the great opportunity to enjoy the last hot days and the end of summer to the full!

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Bed & breakfast

    Naturidylle Geyrerhof

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