wiesen bei niederhof quadrat ober partschins
wiesen bei niederhof quadrat ober partschins


The Quadrato Farm Trail to the centuries-old farms on the Parcines Monte Tramontana, also known as Nörderberg, is a popular hike

The only district of Parcines that is not on the orographic left, i.e. northern side of the Adige Valley, is Quadrato. It is enthroned opposite on the slopes of the Monte Tramontana and consists of a few taverns and farms called Mitterhof, Gramegg, Brünnl, Oberbrunn, Unterobereben and Niederweg. While homemade cakes and Speck are on the menu in summer, Toerggelen is a popular theme here in autumn. The Monte Tramontana itself, which stretches from Prato allo Stelvio to Tel near Parcines, is the shady counterpart to the Monte Sole on the opposite side of the valley. Further on in the Val Venosta, in Lasa, the famous Lasa Marble is quarried on its slopes.

Paths, some of them passable by bike, run through the shady woods and meadows. One of them is the Farm Trail, a circular hike that starts and ends at the Niederhof Inn. It is also suitable for prams and takes about one hour. Just as long is the well signed and easy Quadrato Family Trail. In winter, the snow line is much lower on this side of the valley than on the northern side. The panoramic position of Quadrato allows a magnificent view on of Parcines and its districts.

Interesting: A Roman milestone, which was discovered in 1552 AD near the Hanswirt Restaurant in Parcines and refers to the Via Claudia Augusta, is made of marble of Quadrato (Quadrat). The milestone dates back to 46 AD and proves the former course of the Roman imperial road. You can see it in the Bolzano Municipal Museum, a replica is in front of the entrance area of the Hanswirt.

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