Parrocchia della Visitazione bolzano mariaheim bozen europa novacella
Parrocchia della Visitazione bolzano mariaheim bozen europa novacella

Bolzano Europa-Novacella

Europa-Novacella owes its name to the eponymous Augustinian Monastery of Novacella near Bressanone, which had an estate here

In terms of history, it is the rather younger district of Bolzano, but in demographic terms it has the oldest population: If you look at the town area from above or on the map, Europa-Novacella (Europa-Neustift) is located right in the heart of Bolzano. It was once a swampy area where wine was cultivated. The Augustinian Monastery of Novacella near Bressanone, the "herrn von der Newenstifft", were already mentioned in Bolzano in the 13th century. With the construction of an estate, known today as Maria Heim, an economic administrator of the abbey finally settled here permanently. The vines around the estate are still an inspiring sight in the middle of town life.

Europa-Novacella covers the area between the central Viale Druso road and the Isarco River on the other side. From east to west it stretches from the Viale Europa road to the Via Roma road. In between are the Ponte Roma and the Ponte Palermo bridges, two important traffic axes and transitions to other town districts. At the edge of Europa-Novacella, towards the old town, you can find the Bolzano swimming pool and the Druso Stadium, where the FC Südtirol plays its football matches. A promenade, popular among joggers and walkers, follows the river banks in this area.

In the district you can also find the Regina Pacis Church and the Cristallo Theatre, a popular meeting point for culture lovers, which also hosts the civic centre of the area. Every Tuesday and Thursday more people than usual are on the way in Europa-Novacella: Then the farmers' market at the Marcella Casagrande Square respectively the weekly market in the Via Rovigo road take place. The most famous square, Piazza Matteotti, was once known as Piazza Littorio. After Italy's liberation from fascism, it was then dedicated to the murdered anti-fascist Giacomo Matteotti.

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