videgg schennaberg kirchlein kapelle
videgg schennaberg kirchlein kapelle


The Scena Farm Trail and a family alp invite you to holiday experiences at the foot of Mt. Ivigna on Mt. Montescena

The farms and houses of Montescena (Schennaberg) extend along the eponymous slope above Scena. Here you are on the steep meadows at the foot of the Picco Ivigna, which can be easily reached by cable car from Scena village. An alternative is the mountain road that takes you up here and to the old mountain inns of Videgg, a small hamlet.

Montescena is best known as a hiking area: A dense network of trails of varying difficulty stretches through the landscape, and those who want to reach high altitudes can even climb the summit of Mt. Ivigna. Three of these trails directly on the Montescena are the Scena Farm Trail, the Scena Waalweg path below it, which marks the boundary of the district of Montescena, and the Taser High Route. The eponymous Taser Mountain Hut is a hamlet with a rest point, accommodation, a lake and a playground. There used to be also a high ropes course in the forest above.

Just below the timberline on the Montescena is the Ivigna Hut with view on the Punta Cervina, which offers typical Tyrolean specialities such as Kaiserschmarrn (torn pancakes). In the summer months, the mountain huts, restaurants and farm taverns in Montescena invite you to a special event every Thursday. That's when the "Berger Pfinstig" takes place with a children's programme, folk music and delicious peasant dishes: "Pfinstig" is the dialect expression for Thursday. In winter, one of the toboggan runs in Merano & surroundings is located on the Montescena.

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