Eppan Missian Fruehling
Eppan Missian Fruehling


Missiano or Missian is guarded by the mighty fortresses of the Three Castles Hike - Appiano Castle, Boymont Castle and Corba Castle

Above San Paolo and Riva di Sotto you can find the sunny village of Missiano, a panoramic spot with a magnificent view on the Adige Valley and Mt. Sciliar, the unmistakable landmark of South Tyrol. This location was appreciated by the people from early on, "Messan" was already mentioned in writing in the 12th century in the tradition book of the Bavarian monastery of Schäftlarn.

Today, the village lies between vineyards and apple orchards, nestled in the woods below the Monte Macaion. The Church of St. Zeno and Apollonia, the sacristan's house and the rectory are located on the village square. In the 15th century, the church was only dedicated to Zeno of Verona, who is invoked in case of floods and white water damage. After the reconstruction in the 19th century, Apollonia of Alexandria became the main patron saint.

She is said to help with dental problems. Not only guests appreciate the scenic surroundings, also hikers come here to explore the slopes of the Mendola Pass and to tackle the Three Castles Walk (Drei-Burgen-Wanderung). There is nothing better than exploring some of the venerable residences in this castle region. In three hours, you will pass Appiano Castle with its tavern, the medieval ruins of Boymont Castle - also with refreshment stop - and Corba Castle, today a hotel.

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Suggested accommodations: Missiano

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