barbian ortsansicht
barbian ortsansicht

Barbiano village

The leaning tower of Barbiano is known far and wide: Together with the Barbiano Waterfalls, it is an outstanding sight

"The village with the leaning tower" - that's how Barbiano (Barbian Dorf) is called. The spire of the Parish Church of St. James the Greater is indeed visibly leaning to one side. In fact, it is 1.57 metres out of plumb - making it more inclined than the Tower of Pisa. The clubhouse and bakery, the primary school and the town hall are located around this interesting building. The road leading down from the centre leads to the so-called lower village (Barbiano di Sotto - Unterdorf).

In Ponte Gardena in the Isarco Valley, the road divides: Coming from Bolzano, the road leads left up the slope to Barbiano, clearly marked by the sign before the tunnel, to the right is the entrance to the Val Gardena. It is a journey to a summer resort that is now also popular in winter thanks to its proximity to the Corno del Renon and Val Gardena Skiing Areas. The Tre Chiese (literally: Three Churches) spring sanctuary towers above Barbiano village - it can only be reached on foot.

The historic Bagni Tre Chiese (Three Churches Bath, or Bad Dreikirchen) with its breathtaking panoramic views consists of several centuries-old buildings and three Gothic chapels built together. Also worth noting is the Briol guesthouse, which was built in Bauhaus style. Below it are several buildings designed by the Austrian architect Lois Welzenbacher. Together with the Barbiano Waterfall, Tre Chiese is one of the most popular hiking destinations around Barbiano.

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Suggested accommodation: Barbiano village

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