Vogelfauna Tirol
Vogelfauna Tirol

“Gufyland” Bird Care Centre

At “Gufyland”, the Bird Care Centre at Tyrol Castle in Merano and surroundings, you can see birds of prey at close quarters

On the hill on which Tyrol Castle with the South Tyrolean Cultural History Museum is located, there is a very special facility: The Bird Care Centre - "Pflegezentrum für Vogelfauna" in German, "Centro Recupero Avifauna" in Italian - was founded in 1989 in Villa Ottone in the Valle di Tures valley, and relocated to Tyrol Castle in 1998. It is managed by the two bird experts Willy Campei and Florian Gamper. This is where 250 injured and defenceless wild birds find a helping hand every year, as they are cared for and afterwards released into their natural habitat. They are sheltered in one of the large aviaries on 9,000 sqm where you can see them at close quarters.

A 300 m long educational trail leads from one bird house to the next and provides interesting information on local bird fauna and flora. 10 information panels in five languages take you into the world of birds. However, that's far from being all! The highlight are the flight demonstrations, taking place every day except Monday at 11.15 am and 3.15 pm. There, Mr. Eagle owl, vulture, buzzard and colleagues are released into the air above Tyrol Castle and hover above your heads.

And how to reach "Gufyland"? Parking spaces are available in Tirolo village, from where the Via del Castello road leads in a 20-minute walk to the Bird Care Centre. It is closed for traffic. For visitors with buggies: Mind the steps at the entrance to the area! You may combine a flight demonstration also with a visit of the South Tyrolean Museum of Culture and Provincial History in Tyrol Castle.

Contact info

Opening times

  • Sat 27 Jul 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sun 28 Jul 10:30 - 17:00
  • Mon 29 Jul closed
  • Tue 30 Jul 10:30 - 17:00
  • Wed 31 Jul 10:30 - 17:00
  • Thu 01 Aug 10:30 - 17:00
  • Fri 02 Aug 10:30 - 17:00

Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.

Full timetables
Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.

Spring 2024 (23/03/2024 - 02/06/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue 10:30 - 17:00
  • Wed 10:30 - 17:00
  • Thu 10:30 - 17:00
  • Fri 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sat 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sun 10:30 - 17:00

Easter 2024 (31/03/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Easter Monday 2024 (01/04/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Liberation Day 2024 (25/04/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Labor Day 2024 (01/05/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Whit Monday 2024 (20/05/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Republic Day 2024 (02/06/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Summer 2024 (04/06/2024 - 08/09/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue 10:30 - 17:00
  • Wed 10:30 - 17:00
  • Thu 10:30 - 17:00
  • Fri 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sat 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sun 10:30 - 17:00

Feast of the Assumption 2024 (15/08/2024) 10:30 - 17:00

Autumn 2024 (10/09/2024 - 10/11/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue 10:30 - 17:00
  • Wed 10:30 - 17:00
  • Thu 10:30 - 17:00
  • Fri 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sat 10:30 - 17:00
  • Sun 10:30 - 17:00

All Saints 2024 (01/11/2024) 10:30 - 17:00


single admission:
€ 14.00 adults
€ 14.00 young people (14-18 years)
€ 11.00 children (4-13 years)

admission with Tourist Pass:
€ 12.00 adults
€ 12.00 young people (14-18 years)
€ 9.00 children (4-13 years)

free for toddlers up to 3 years

More information

The "Gufyland" stays open from Easter to early November, the flight shows take place on the opening days at 11.15 am and 3.15 pm, dogs allowed. Season start 2024 on March 23.

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