Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 17 ENE
Humidity: 85%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 7 E
Humidity: 90%
Snow limit: N/A
The Graf Volkmar Path, a fitness trail, tells…
The sunny village of Verano has its own natural…
Fortified castles and old churches are…
The largest fruit-growing municipality in South…
Nalles, the southernmost municipality of the…
The 7 Gardens of the Kränzelhof Winery and…
Haflinger horses, Church of St. Catherine,…
The church of Marlengo has inspired for…
Palm trees and glaciers, a Mediterranean…
In a sunny location below the peaks of Mt.…
Tirolo, the cradle of the State of Tyrol,…
The sun-drenched garden village of Lagundo…
One of the idyllic little municipalities in…
Above Parcines and the Parcines Waterfall…
The sunny Naturno, the gateway to the Merano…