Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Sunny or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 11 WNW
Humidity: 85%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): 7 NW
Humidity: 74%
Snow limit: N/A
Fortified castles and old churches are…
The sustainably built nature outdoor pool…
The sunny village of Verano has its own natural…
The Graf Volkmar Path, a fitness trail, tells…
The largest fruit-growing municipality in South…
The 7 Gardens of the Kränzelhof Winery and…
Haflinger horses, Church of St. Catherine,…
The church of Marlengo has inspired for…
Palm trees and glaciers, a Mediterranean…
The sun-drenched garden village of Lagundo…
In a sunny location below the peaks of Mt.…
Tirolo, the cradle of the State of Tyrol,…
One of the idyllic little municipalities in…
Above Parcines and the Parcines Waterfall…
The sunny Naturno, the gateway to the Merano…