truden san lugano
truden san lugano

San Lugano

The village of San Lugano belongs to Trodena and is located at the border to the province of Trentino

Located at 1,110 m a.s.l., directly at the border to the Italian-speaking province of the Trentino, San Lugano is above all known for the homonymous mountain pass (1,097 m a.s.l.), which is the passage from South Tyrol to the Trentino.

Up to the year 1963, the Val di Fiemme narrow-gauge railway used to be running via this pass. This railroad, constructed by the Russian war prisoners, used to connect the villages of Ora and Predazzo. Today, however, this track is particularly popular with mountain bikers.

Our tip: Take a look at the ancient trenches, galleries and huts, revealing interesting information on life in the times of war.

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