Berge Wilde Kreuzspitze
Berge Wilde Kreuzspitze

Picco della Croce

Mt. Picco della Croce is an imposing double peak in the heart of the Val di Vizze valley in the Fundres Mountains

Mt. Picco della Croce is one of the highest peaks in the surroundings of Bressanone and thus a popular destination with spectacular view. Well marked paths start at the Vipiteno al Picco della Croce Hut (2,344 m a.s.l.) in Borgone in Val di Vizze, and at the Bressanone Hut (2,307 m a.s.l.) in Valles, and end on the 3,135 m high top of the mountain. Along the hike to the Vipiteno Mountain Hut there's a protected natural monument, a 10 m wide spring with stalactites and stalagmites.

The alternative path which starts at the Bressanone Hut, however, is steeper, but shorter - it proceeds along the Fundres High Route and via the Forcella Val di Fumo gap to the top. The summit cross has been established on the south-eastern summit which is 10 metres lower than the main peak (3,125 m a.s.l.). Once reached the top, you can look down on the Lago Selvaggio, a small but mighty moutain lake glimmering in the sun. A two-day trip with overnight stay in the Bressanone Hut is possible by combining the tour to Mt. Picco della Croce (Wilde Kreuzspitze) with the hike to Mt. Cima di Valmala (3,022 m a.s.l.). In winter, it is a popular destination for ski tours.

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