Naturpark Fanes Sennes Prags Alta Badia
Naturpark Fanes Sennes Prags Alta Badia

Nature Parks in South Tyrol

Eight nature reserves with a surface of 180,000 hectares protect the beautiful and unique landscape and nature in South Tyrol

Walking across the great outdoors is always a special experience, particularly when hiking through a nature park, where nature with its beautiful woods, lakes and mountains is protected against human interventions, partly also with specifically developed traffic concepts. The associated visitor centres are spread all over South Tyrol and introduce you to the highly diversified flora and fauna of the area and its characteristics. There are one national park and a total of seven nature parks in the region - another one, the Sarentino Alps Nature Park, is in planning stage.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Kolfuschgerhof Mountain Resort
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Tips and more infos