Chiusa, the Christmas Village

In the historic centre of Chiusa, the Christmas Village called “Klausner Gassladvent” takes place in the light of candles and torches

The Chiusa Theatre Ensemble presents the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph, the night watchwoman parades through the streets and lightens hundreds of candles, the Christ Child brings the joyful message - that's Chiusa, the Christmas Village, in the Advent period. Also woodcarvers, felt makers, jewellery manufacturers and bakers offer their products. The Chiusa Christmas Market opens with the St. Catherina Market before the 1st Advent weekend and then takes place on the following weekends. In between, there are numerous accompanying events, for example a living Nativity scene with different stations, drawing workshops, concerts and readings.

The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread, sweet Krapfen, traditional "Apfelkiachl", toasted almonds and mulled wine with cinnamon and cloves fills the air at Chiusa, the Christmas Village. The artists' town itself, with its winding alleys, has a charm all of its own, which is further enhanced by the torches and the 20 wooden stalls during Advent. There is no street lighting during this period between the end of November and the 4th Sunday in Advent.

Many of the buildings date back to the Middle Ages, such as the town hall, the Church of the Apostles and the "Grauer Bär", the oldest house - the ideal setting for the "Klausner Gassladvent".

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