muehlen in taufers
muehlen in taufers

Molini di Tures

Grain mills once dominated the landscape, today you can join in the celebrations at the village fair and the St. Catherine Market

If you follow the Tures Valley Road further and further into the valley, the first houses of Molini di Tures (Mühlen in Taufers) come into sight. Then the valley seems to contract. It is the first village in the municipal area of Campo Tures: The Valle di Selva dei Molini branches off from here, which is called the "Valley of Water" with its two reservoirs and the "Magic of Water" Museum.

The name of the village probably derives from the grain mills that once dominated the landscape, mainly wheat, rye and barley were milled here. Today, Molini di Tures is a small holiday resort and a good starting point for excursions into the surrounding Vedrette di Ries-Aurina Nature Park, to the Riva Waterfalls and to cultural highlights such as Tures Castle and - further into the valley - the Maranatha Nativity Museum and two of the famous South Tyrol Museums of Mining. Interesting historical buildings in the village include the Gothic Zehenterhof farm and the parish church, which is a double church combining St. Catharine's and St. Florian's Churches.

With the breathtaking backdrop of the Zillertal Alps, uniting 80 three-thousand-metre peaks in the Valli di Tures and Aurina valleys, and three ski areas nearby - Speikboden, Klausberg and Plan de Corones - Molini di Tures is an active village. A mystical excursion destination is the Molini di Tures Gorge just outside the village: There are several scary holes, presumably former test tunnels, and "idols". The village itself also celebrates properly, for example at the "Millina Kirschta", the village fair, and the "Kothreinemorscht", the annual market on St. Catherine's Day in November. It represents the beginning of Advent and is part of the popular "Advent in Tures Taufers".

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Suggested accommodations: Molini di Tures

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