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The main town in the Upper Valle Isarco is the Fugger town of Vipiteno, a charming centre with numerous sights

It is known as the Fuggerstadt, and today it is a commercial centre: We are talking about the municipality of Vipiteno, which extends beyond the medieval town centre to the surrounding villages of Ceves, Tunes and Novale. The reason for this is its proximity to important Alpine crossings such as the Passo di Pennes, the Passo Giovo and the Brennero Pass. Vipiteno, known today for the Town Square and its enchanting hidden corners, awaits you for a relaxing stay between town and mountain. Together with four other charming and historically interesting South Tyrolean places - Castelrotto, Glorenza, Egna and Chiusa - Vipiteno is part of "I borghi più belli d'Italia" (The most beautiful places in Italy) with the note "The captured hours on the Tower of the Twelve".

Especially the old town with its arcade houses and colourful facades still exudes medieval flair. Back then, mining was done here, which attracted many merchants such as the wealthy Fuggers from Augsburg. They owned the tunnels, they ensured the wealth of the village and their name still bears Vipiteno today: the Fugger Town. But there are also frequent reminders of the Romans. A Roman milestone stands in the inner courtyard of the town hall, and "Vipitenum" comes from the Roman general Druso, still used as the Italian town name.

While museums and shopping facilities are concentrated in the town centre and events such as the longest dumpling table in South Tyrol take place, the wild nature of the Upper Valle Isarco, also called Wipptal, extends all around. The Rio Giovo stream thunders through the only marble gorge in Europe, the Stanghe Gorge or Gilfenklamm at the entrance to the Racines Valley. The Monte Cavallo, the famous hiking and skiing area with the longest floodlit and snow-covered sledge run in Italy, towers above Vipiteno. Where hiking trails wind through the landscape and cows graze, you can also get a good dose of adrenaline with the high ropes course and summer toboggan run.

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Suggested accommodations: Vipiteno

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