
Nature cinema “Knottnkino”

The “Knottnkino”, literally “Cinema on the Rock”, between Verano and Avelegno in Merano and surroundings is a very special viewpoint

The unique movie changes with the seasons and conveys a special feeling, the script has been created solely by nature: We are talking about the "Knottnkino" on the Monzoccolo above Avelengo and Verano, created by Franz Messner in 2000 on the 1,465 metres high Mt. Sasso Rosso or Rotsteinkogel. The Monzoccolo itself is a rocky crest between the towns of Merano and Bolzano.

30 seats made of steal and chestnut wood, reminding on the seats in an old cinema, have been arranged on a little rock shoulder, which in South Tyrolean dialect is called "Knottn". As soon as you have taken a seat, the movie starts - and a great panoramic view on the Valle dell'Adige, the Monte Penegal, the Dolomites, Mt. Corno Bianco, the Val d'Utimo, the Texel Group, the valley basin of Merano and the Val Passiria awaits you. And how to reach the viewpoint?

Starting point for the 2-hour hike is the Grüner Baum tavern in Verano. The Schützenbrünnlweg path leads along the sunny high plateau of the Monzoccolo. After the visit to the nature cinema you can either walk this way back, or continue to the Leadner Hut, a well-known rest point.

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