
Nalserbacherkeller farm inn

The Pallweber family will spoil you in the comfortable cellar or under the vines in the open air

The Nalserbacherkeller is not far from Nalles, on the road towards Prissiano and Tesimo. The kitchen offers tasty, varied food, hospitality and a friendly atmosphere. Home-distilled fruit schnaps will round off your meal!

Speck, bresaola, beef and sour head of veal, ham, beef carpaccio, smoked beef, cheese, along with hot boiled potatoes. Various soups and spinach ravioli. Meat cuts in autumn with kraut and dumplings as well as fritters, chestnuts and nuts. Cheese dumplings in spring. Juices: apple, elderflower, raspberry.

Sauvignon, Gewürztraminer, Chardonnay and Vernatsch are produced on the farm from own grapes.

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Opening times

Open from the start of April until the end of June from Thursday to Sunday and from the start of August until mid-December from Thursday to Monday. Opening times: Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 4 pm to midnight, weekdays from 5 pm to midnight. Advance booking desired.

More information

Access route: Take the exit Vilpiano on the MeBo state road and go towards Nalles and Prissiano. About 500 m after the village centre of Nalles the Nalserbacherkeller farm inn is located on the left.

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