aussicht schneeberger see und oetztaler alpen
aussicht schneeberger see und oetztaler alpen

Oetztal Alps

The Oetztal Alps or Alpi Venoste in South Tyrol and North Tyrol are one of the biggest mountain groups of the Eastern Alps and include reserves such as the Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park

Parts of the Oetztal Alps with their wide extension and diversified topography have been opened up very well, while other areas are quite secluded, like for example the south-west. Important glaciers are the Hintereisferner (3,727 m a.s.l.), Grosser Vernagtferner (3,631 m a.s.l.), Mt. Vedretta della Croda (3,510 m a.s.l.) and the Gurgler Glacier (3,420 m a.s.l.). Also two South Tyrolean skiing areas - the one of Plan Passiria and the Alpin Arena Senales on the famous Val Senales Glacier - are part of them. The beautiful world of the Oetztal Alps can be best explored during the hike along the Vallelunga Glacier Education Path beneath the mighty Mt. Palla Bianca.

The Oetztal Alps border on the Lechtal, Sesvenna and Samnaun Alps, on the Mieming Range and on the Stubai, Sarentino and Ortles Alps. There are numerous reserves such as the Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park, and stunning places such as the Val di Fosse. The most famous path in the Oetztal Alps might be the Yellow Trail of the Via Alpina. Other hikes and tours take you to the alps in the Valle di Silandro, via the Upi Hut to Lake Upi, and to the Saldura Lakes in the Val di Mazia.

  • Highest peak: Mt. Wildspitze (3,772 m a.s.l.), first ascent in 1848 by Leander Klotz
  • Most significant mountains: Mt. Palla Bianca, Mt. Cima Nera, Mt. Similaun, Mt. Oetztaler Urkund, Mt. Hinterer Brochkogel, Mt. Vorderer Brochkogel
  • Area: North Tyrol (Austria) and South Tyrol (Italy)

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