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keschtnweg pinzagen pfeffersberg brixen

Gareto Farm Trail

The Gareto o Gereuth Farm Trail leads from one farm to the next, an interesting two-hour adventure hike on the Monte Ponente

The Monte Ponente in Bressanone, a wooded mountain slope and a separate district of the municipality of Bressanone, presents itself with forests and meadows, farms and wine taverns that invite you to the traditional Törggelen in autumn. In this idyllic setting, you can find the Gareto Farm Trail, which offers an insight into the different ways of life of mountain farmers. With a length of 5 km and an ascent of 280 metres, it can be done in a good two hours by families with older children, also because it is a circular route that leads back to the starting point again.

Drinking fountains and viewpoints can be found along the way, as well as picnic areas and various farms, some of which offer refreshments. They are called Kerschbaumerhof and Moarhof, Wegscheiderhof and Feichterhof, Gruberhof and Zehrehof, and are mostly dedicated to animal husbandry. The starting point is at the newly created car park directly on the SP74 above the Egarterhof: You can reach it by travelling from Bressanone towards Velturno. At the turn-off in Perara (Pairdorf) towards Tiles (Tils), continue first to Gareto and then directly to the car park. There is also a hiking shuttle from Bressanone to the car park during the summer season.

suited for families circular route difficulty: easy theme trail
  • Starting point:
    Parking lot above Egarterhof, Gereuth (SP 74)
  • Time required:
    02:00 h
  • Track length:
    5,6 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.134 m to 1.413 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +280 m | -280 m
  • Signposts:
    Gereuther Höfeweg / Sentiero dei Masi
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Gareto Farm Trail

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