Herrschaftsweg DSC
Herrschaftsweg DSC

Ruling Trail

A panoramic circular hiking trail, called Herrschaftsweg, shows you the surroundings of Tirolo from a different perspective

A newly created theme trail starts at the tourist information office in Tirolo village, right in the centre, and is just as the name suggests: grand. The Ruling Trail is a panoramic trail that tells of castles, irrigation channels and the Merano region itself. From Tirolo to the majestic Tyrol Castle, the trail follows the Fakner Promenade and then the Via Castello road, then it leads past the Schneeweisshof snack station towards Velloi. Ideally, this is followed by a leisurely - stately - rest.

Then comes the turnoff to the Ruling Trail (Herrschaftsweg, in German) no. 28. The path now takes you about one kilometre up the stairs to the Innerfarmer Farm and past the nearby Ausserfarmer Farm to just below the Farmerkreuz, an idyllic lookout point that offers wonderful panoramic views, especially on clear autumn days during the Törggele season.

Afterwards, after a total of 6.7 km and two hours, you return to the centre of Tirolo village through the orchards - by doing so, you can explore also a part of the Apple Trail, which leads right to the Falkner Promenade. The highest point is at 818 m above sea level.

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