Milchsteig Suedtirol
Milchsteig Suedtirol

South Tyrolean Milk Path

An interesting hike with information about the South Tyrolean dairy industry leads to the most beautiful alpine village in South Tyrol

A theme trail in the country also provides information about milk, which is available in South Tyrol e.g. as hay milk. The destination is the most beautiful alpine village in South Tyrol: The Fane Alpine Village, an alpine pasture high above Valles, consists of living huts, hay huts, a chapel and three alpine taverns, i.e. a total of around 30 buildings. Its history goes back to the Middle Ages, when a military hospital was built here for plague and cholera sufferers.

The starting point for the South Tyrolean Milk Path (no. 17) is the car park at the head of the valley in Valles at 1,396 m a.s.l. Afterwards, you walk 2.8 km through the magnificent alpine landscape to the legendary Fane Alpine Village, the highlight of the hike. The information boards along the trail are in the shape of a cow or a goat, once as a bale of hay. Did you know, that South Tyrol is Europe's only closed region which can label its milk and milk products as GM-free?

In the cold months of the year, a winter hike to the Fane Alpine Village can be combined with an exciting toboggan run on the way back.

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