Wald Wild Wunder Weg Sommer
Wald Wild Wunder Weg Sommer

Funimal Forest

In the Funimal Forest on the Renon, children can get to know animals in a playful way and play in the great outdoors

The local forest and meadow inhabitants are presented along various themed trails in South Tyrol. One of these, designed to be particularly child-friendly, is located on the Renon. From the station of the Renon Railway in Soprabolzano (Oberbozen), the signs with the Pyramix are already visible. Then the trail leads to the eight individual stations in the Funimal Forest with Fiona, the smart vixen, Walter, the busy spotted woodpecker, and Sissi, the diligent squirrel.

Here at the timberline, the air is clean and the views are unforgettable! The 3.6 km long forest trail leads from Soprabolzano, easily reachable by the Renon Cable Car from Bolzano, via the so-called Zagglermoos to the Lobishof and its mill. The Beekeeping Museum is also nearby. Playing opportunities and information boards with facts about the forest animals inspire the children. The trail is suitable for prams and can be done in about one hour (highest point: 1,299 m a.s.l.).

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Naturidylle Geyrerhof
    Bed & breakfast

    Naturidylle Geyrerhof

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