Star Trail

Some years ago, the First European Star Village was created in the Val d’Ega valley: A Star Trail is part of it

Around San Valentino in Campo and Collepietra there is an astronomical observatory with solar observatory, the Planetarium South Tyrol, a Planetary Path and, only recently, also the Star Trail. Here on the high plateau, light pollution is so low that the Star Village was awarded gold by the "Astronomitaly" platform for the most beautiful starry sky in Italy.

The 12.2 km long trail connects the two star villages of Collepietra and San Valentino in Campo. Accompanied by the mascot Luxi, the circular trail takes you past seven stations. Among them there is a real highlight for children: the 1st South Tyrolean rocket tree house. The other stations include an oversized old photo camera and a rotating star chart. A visit to the Planetarium or the astronomical observatory may be the crowning finale. The walking tour takes 3.5 hours.

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