Zannes Nature Experience Trail

At the head of the Val di Funes valley, a pleasant circular trail leads through the Puez-Odle Nature Park

The Zannes Nature Experience Trail - "Naturerlebnisweg Zans" in German, "Sentiero Natura" in Italian - is a wheelchair-accessible circular trail that offers an insight into the fascinating flora and fauna of the Puez-Odle Nature Park. The backdrop are the might peaks of the Odle Group. The hike starts at the Zannes car park at the end of the Val di Funes valley, where the new Dolomites UNESCO Info Point was opened a few years ago. The second information point, the Puez-Odle Visitor Centre, can be found in Santa Maddalena di Funes down in the valley.

But let's turn back to the nature trail: It takes just a bit more than an hour from the Zannes hikers' car park, which can be booked also online, past some wooden sculptures and a total of 14 stations. They take you up to 1,743 m a.s.l. with little incline.

The individual points tell about the origins and the natural history of this area, some of them are equipped with Braille. First you walk across the Piuswiese to a game reserve, and then in a large loop past a forester's lodge back to the Zannes car park. Several rest areas invite to take a break.

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