Talai Adventure Trail

In the Talai Forest in San Valentino alla Muta in the Val Venosta, there is a special treasure hidden that first has to be found

This time we are going on a treasure hunt! Where? In San Valentino alla Muta (St. Valentin auf der Haide), one of the three villages on the Passo Resia lake plateau. There, near the district heating plant, is the Talai Forest recreation area, which was upgraded in 2011 with an adventure trail. It leads past 12 stations that provide hints to a very special treasure waiting at the 13th station. Part of the story are the cones Zipf and Zapf, who accompany you on the adventure.

Equipped with paper and pencil, the adventure (suitable for prams) starts through the dense larch forest. There are also play stations and lots of interesting information about the environment and its inhabitants along the Talai Adventure Trail - "Erlebnisweg Schatzsuche Talai" in German, "Sentiero Avventura Talai" in Italian. Plan at least two hours for the 3 km long trail, which can be walked in several variations and then leads back to the starting point again.

Puzzle strips for writing down the solutions can be picked up at the information office, because only those who answer the 12 questions correctly will finally find the "Treasure of Talai". In this forest there's also the Talai Forest Archery Course which stays open all year round!

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