tisens naturerlebnispfad vorbichlbruecke
tisens naturerlebnispfad vorbichlbruecke

Vorbichl Adventure Trail

Roller slides, climbing nets and interactive stations tell about the history and nature of the Vorbichl hill in Prissiano

Vorbichl is the name of a hill near Prissiano (Prissian), and Vorbichl is also the name of the nature adventure trail that winds through the nature at about 600 m a.s.l. It starts just outside the village, parking is available near the recycling centre. Then the heather sign and marker no. 1 lead visitors to the start of the Vorbichl Adventure Trail (no. 2) - "Erlebnisweg Vorbichl" in German, "Percorso Avventura Vorbichl" in Italian - in the forest. Right at the beginning there is a pond with picnic facilities, and this is also where the circular route ends again.

Experience stations and display boards tell of the long history of the hill, of its castles and palaces, and of the local flora and fauna. Children can let off steam and get creative at the interactive stations such as the xylophone, the roller slides and the climbing net. The 1.5 km trail can be done in one hour (152 metres in altitude), but is only passable for off-road prams.

By the way, the Tesimo-Prissiano circular hike or the Prissiano forest and castle tour can easily be combined with a detour to the Vorbichl, formerly known as the "International Felt Art Trail".

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